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The VaJuvenation Shot

Vaginal Rejuvenation with PRP (O-Shot) in Monument & Colorado Springs)

What will the shot do for me?


  • Greater arousal from clitoral stimulation

  • A tighter introitus (vaginal opening)

  • Stronger orgasm, more frequent orgasm, increased sexual desire, and increased ability to have a vaginal orgasm

  • Decreased pain for those with dyspareunia (painful intercourse)

  • Increased natural lubrication

  • Decreased urinary incontinence

5 reasons sex may be less than pleasurable for women:

Sexual dysfunction is a very common and distressing issue affecting many women. This can have a significantly negative impact on a woman’s quality of life and may also pose significant strain on love relationships. Causes are often multifactorial and therefore often require a multidisciplinary approach.
Here are the 5 common areas of sexual dysfunction experienced by many women:

Low desire: Also known as Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder (HSDD), this is not considered a disorder unless it disrupts a woman's life. According to the International Society for the Study of Women's Sexual Health, approximately 10% of adult women suffer from this (that we know of!)

Female Sexual Arousal Disorder: Affecting about one in 20 women, this usually, but not always accompanies HSDD. Women who experience this may want to have sex but have much difficulty finding the pleasure of arousal.

Female Orgasmic Disorder: This affects approximately one in 20 women as well. They can become aroused but have significant difficulty with orgasm. This can be so frustrating that sex becomes something that they avoid.

Genital “Mismatch”: In other words, a vagina/penis pairing that do not facilitate pleasurable intercourse whether due to a smaller vaginal canal, vaginal canal enlarging from childbirth/aging, etc.

Dyspareunia: This condition causes up to one in five women to suffer physical pain with sex which is not caused by decreased lubrication or vaginal spasm. Causes can include structural abnormalities or psychological concerns.

The number of women that experience one form or another of sexual dysfunction can range anywhere from 30-50% depending on age, and this only includes those cases that have been reported considering that only about 14% of women speak to their health care provider about this. Per the Practice Bulletin in Obstetrics and Gynecology (2011), this may be due to both patient and provider discouragement regarding a lack of available treatments and therapies.

The only solution for sexual dysfunction other than hormone replacement therapy, per the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology, appears to be psychosocial therapies. There is no doubt that sex-education/counseling helps sex, but if the woman's body does not respond as it should, even with proper knowledge, then the woman continues to suffer which explains why 50 million women in the US alone continue to suffer mentally and physically from sexual problems.

While men have many options available for the medical treatment of sexual dysfunction, i.e. Viagra, Cialis, etc., women are limited to HRT and psychosocial interventions. It is imperative that women have other, proven, effective strategies for management.

What is the PRP injection for vaginal rejuvenation?

Biopsy studies published in highly regarded medical journals,

such as Advances in Skin & Wound Care and Journal of Drugs in

Dermatology, demonstrate that when platelet-rich plasma (PRP)

is injected into the body, stem cells multiply and grow new younger

tissue. In the same way PRP regenerates the skin of the face it also

appears PRP regenerates healthy vaginal tissue.

The procedure begins by first applying numbing cream to the vagina and the arm from which blood will be drawn.  Afterwards, blood is drawn and using a centrifuge and a special method, platelet rich plasma is isolated. The whole process takes about 10 minutes and can be done in the room. Using a very thin needle, PRP is injected into the clitoris and into the upper vagina into the area most important for the sexual response, the O-Spot. Overall, there is little to no pain with the procedure and it takes about 15 minutes total.

Are there complications?

PRP has been used effectively for a variety of treatments for more than 20 years. Over 500,000 procedures involving the injection of PRP into various parts of the body have been performed with no significant side effects or complications reported.






Vaginal Rejuvenation with PRP (O-Shot) in Monument and Colorado Springs
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