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Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy for Women

Why bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT)?

Research has shown that as we age, vital hormone levels decline to less than optimal levels, therefore, this can cause a wide range of symptoms that can decrease quality of life. Unfortunately, many doctors treat these symptoms with pharmaceuticals that in turn cause further unwanted symptoms. Rather than treating a non-existent "anti-depressant" or "anti-anxiety" medication deficiency, would it not make more sense to take care of any underlying hormonal imbalance?


But I am not menopausal? What can bioidentical hormone replacement therapy do for me?

Hormonal imbalance is not something that only affects menopausal women, but it can actually occur much earlier in life when certain vital hormones begin to slowly decline. When this occurs, we can experience symptoms such as anxiety, insomnia, moodiness, fatigue, decreased libido, and the decreased ability to lose weight to name a few. This is why bioidentical hormone replacement therapy is vital to quality of life.


Is bioidentical hormone replacement therapy safe?

There is a persistent misconception in the medical community that hormone replacement theraoy will lead to several health consequences including breast cancer and cardiovascular disease, however, the research proves the contrary. Studies actually show that estrogen and testosterone have a protective effect in terms of  cardiovascular and cognitive functioning. When we talk about bioidentical hormones, we are referring to those that are are molecularly identical to the structure of the hormones generated by the human body. These bioidentical methods of hormone replacement therapy are often derived from plant-based sources such as soy and yams. These compounded hormone replacement therapy preparations differ significantly from the typical synthetic modalities which are approved by the FDA and prescribed by most traditional health care providers.  Some of these synthetic preparations can, in fact, cause negative side effects and are not the ideal form of replacement. Properly prescribed bioidentical hormone preparations by an experienced provider can provide the necessary balance and optimization that promotes optimal health and well-being and can significantly increase quality of life.


What Methods of  bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) are available?


We prescribe the following methods of  bioidentical hormone replacment therapy (BHRT):


Hormone Pellets: Tiny cylindrical hormone pellets  are inserted into a numbed area of subcutaneous fat in the hip/buttocks during a short in-office procedure. This method mimics how hormones are naturally released into the body and allows a patient’s hormones to remain at optimized levels more consistently than other options.


Our plant-based hormone pellets are sourced from a local 503B Outsourcing Facility, Belmar Pharmacy, which is regulated by the FDA and DEA and follows current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP). The pellets provide a sustained release of what you need over several months, eliminating the “roller-coaster effect” that other hormone replacement therapy options can produce. Hormone pellets last for 3-4 months for women.


Other Methods: Sublingual Tablets, Creams, Vaginal Suppositories


Hormone replacement therapy preparations  for women can include:


  • Estradiol/Estriol

  • Testosterone

  • Progesterone

  • Pregnenolone

  • DHEA


Benefits  of bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) include, but are not limited to:


  • Relief of hot flashes and night sweats

  • Relief of vaginal symptoms, such as dryness, itching, burning, and painful intercourse

  • Improved sleep

  • Increased energy

  • Relief of migraines

  • Relief of joint aches and pains

  • Bone protection and subsequent prevention of osteoporosis

  • Stabilization of mood, improved depression and anxiety

  • Lowered risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes

  • Reduced brain fog

  • Enhanced memory

  • Increased libido


Treatment plans will be individualized based on your specific history, symptoms, and lab results.


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