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PRP Hair Restoration for Women

What types of hair loss does PRP treat?


The most commonly treated condition is androgenic alopecia, otherwise known as "male-pattern baldness". Despite the term, "male-pattern baldness" affects both men and women. With androgenic alopecia in women, hair is lost from all over the head starting with the part line. This most commonly occurs after menopause due to a shift in hormones, however, it can also be associated with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). Oftentimes androgenic alopecia has a genetic component. There may also be benefit to treating alopecia areata, an autoimmune condition in which the immune system attacks hair follicles.


Another form of hair loss that can affect women is traction alopecia which occurs due to prolonged or repetitive tension on the scalp hair whether from ponytails, braids, or other styling methods. As long as there is still growth in the area, this can be reversed by eliminating the tension and with PRP treatments to stimulate growth and lessen the loss.

How does PRP treat hair loss?
PRP stimulates 6 growth factors that thicken, strengthen,

and promote hair growth from the follicles that are still

functioning. It will not treat areas where there is no hair

growth, only areas with at least some form of existing


What is the process?

  1. Your blood is drawn

  2. We spin the blood in a special centrifuge for 10 minutes to obtain platelet rich plasma (the source of important growth factors)

  3. After the blood is spun, and PRP obtained, it takes about 10 minutes to make small injections into the scalp while cool compresses are used to reduce discomfort

  4. It will take 3-4 sessions one month apart to achieve optimal results, then a 6 month maintenance visit, then yearly maintenance.


Are there any side effects or possible complications?

PRP Therapy is extremely safe because we are using cells from your own blood, meaning there are no preservatives and no chance of the body rejecting the cells. The primary risks and discomforts are related to the blood draw where there is a slight pinch to insert the needle for collection and there is a potential for bruising at the site. In addition, you could experience redness, swelling, bruising, tenderness, tingling, numbness, lumpiness, and/or a feeling of pressure or fullness in the treated areas.


We also offer PRP hair restoration for men

PRP Hair Restoration for Women in Monument & Colorado Springs
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